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Found 1913 results

USAID SAFE: Supporting an AIDS-Free Era Project Annual Results Summary: 2018

This results summary details the USAID SAFE: Supporting an AIDS-Free Era Program's progress reducing HIV mortality, morbidity, and transmission, while improving nutrition outcomes and family planning integration in Central, Copperbelt, and North-Western provinces during 2018. The program is designed to increase access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) for HIV positive adults and children; reduce the incidence…

Maternal Anthropometric Measurements Do Not Have Effect on Birth Weight of Term, Single, and Live Births in Addis Ababa City, Ethiopia

The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of maternal anthropometric measurements on birth weight. A cross-sectional study was conducted in maternity public hospitals in Addis Ababa city, Ethiopia. A total of 605 women and their newborns took part in this study and prevalence of low birth weight is 8.3%. Using regression analysis,…

A Behavioral Economics Approach to Reduce the Injectable Contraceptive Discontinuation Rate in Ethiopia: A Stratified-Pair, Cluster-Randomized Field Study

Behavioral economics offers one way to design interventions by improving understanding of why people choose as they do and what motivates their decision-making and action. Behavioral economics has recently been used to improve reproductive health programming, suggesting that the approach could potentially be applied to mitigate the contraceptive discontinuation problem in Ethiopia. This report highlights…

Measurement and interpretation of hemoglobin concentration in clinical and field settings: A narrative review

Anemia affects over 800 million women and children globally. Defined as a limited or insufficient functional red blood cell supply in peripheral blood, anemia causes a reduced oxygen supply to tissues and can have serious health consequences for women and children. Hemoglobin (Hb) concentration is most commonly measured for anemia diagnosis. Methods to measure Hb…

Coaching Community Health Volunteers in Integrated Community Case Management Improves the Care of Sick Children Under-5: Experience from Bondo, Kenya

This paper describes the process of capacity building community health volunteers (CHVs) to deliver integrated preventive and curative package of care of services to manage common childhood illness in hard-to-reach communities in Bondo Subcounty, Kenya. It was found that knowledge assessment scores improved after a six day integrated community case management (iCCM) course and additional…

Impact Infographic: Universal Immunization through Improving Family Health Services in Ethiopia

JSI's Universal Immunization through Improving Family Health Services (UI-FHS) project works to improve the routine immunization system in Ethiopia. This infographic illustrates some key results of the UI-FHS Project in Ethiopia as of December 2018. 

JSI in Ethiopia Timeline (1994-2023)

For the last 25 years, JSI has been a committed partner in strengthening Ethiopia's health system. This timeline tracks each of our programs from 1994 through 2023. (JSI,2019)

Bimonthly Rota Talk Newsletter; Issue 5, 2018

JSI India publishes the bimonthly Rota Talk newsletter to regularly update partners and the government on the introduction of rotavirus vaccine in India. JSI India is the lead technical partner for rotavirus vaccine introduction in India. As of September 2019, India had officially introduced rotavirus vaccine in all 37 states and union territories (UTs).

Assessment of the Effectiveness of the MomConnect Helpdesk in Handling and Resolving Complaints

MomConnect is a national-scale ministerial mHealth initiative that employs cell phone technology to register pregnant women in South Africa and deliver to them stage-based maternal messages during pregnancy and after delivery. The effort aligns with the global health goal of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United States President’s Emergency Plan…

Getting to Zero – Santa Clara County – Silicon Valley Year 2 Progress & Impact

This 2-page infographic highlights ongoing progress and impact in key focus areas of the Santa Clara County-Silicon Valley Getting to Zero initiative, in particular improving access to PrEP and PEP. Getting to Zero SCC-SV is a collaboration between Santa Clara County and other partners, including HIV service providers, healthcare organizations, advocacy groups, and other community-based…

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