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Found 1913 results

UI-FHS Mid-Program Review in the Pastoralist Regions of Ethiopia

Ethiopia has made impressive progress in reducing infant and child mortality rates since 2000, with performance improvements in immunization playing an important role. Despite gains in immunization nationwide, Ethiopia continues to experience significant regional disparities in immunization coverage, including in Afar and Somali Regions, where the health system is fragile and populations are largely pastoralist…

Learning from implementation setbacks: Identifying and responding to contextual challenges

This article addresses organizational learning about implementation context during set backs to primary care redesign in an ambulatory system. The redesign expanded care teams and added a medical assistant assigned administrative and coordination tasks. It was expected to improve care efficiency, prevention and continuity through system-wide changes and program adjustments. It was found that redesigned…

Improving the Availability and Use of Home-Based Records: Challenges and Lessons Learned from the ESA EPI Managers Meeting

These slides were presented at the annual WHO-sponsored EPI (immunization program) Managers' Meeting in Kigali, Rwanda on improving the availability and use of home-based records. The presentation highlights challenges and lessons learned from country experiences in the field, including suggestions for improvement. Specific home-based record revision experiences include:Benin, DRC, Zimbabwe, Nepal. JSI, 2018.

Data for Action: Coordination and Implementation of Home-based Record (HBR) Redesigns and Improved Use

JSI has a two year grant with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to look at the coordination and implementation of home-based records (HBRs, also referred to as immunization cards or child health cards/booklets). We have explored opportunities to increase availability and use of HBRs through field work in 4 countries and also supporting redesign…

Empowering Health Workers for Immunization Data Analysis and Use

These slides were presented at the Global Immunization Meeting in Kigali, Rwanda in June 2018 on empowering health workers for immunization data analysis and use.

Tool to Review Quality and Completeness of HBRs

This tool can be used to spot-check home-based records (HBRs) during facility and/or randomized home visits to see if immunization data are being completed in the HBR. Additional questions can also be incorporated to provide further quantitative analysis. This tool should be used along with the qualitative tools (e.g. Interview Guides for Key Users) to…

Opportunities to Improve MCV2/MR2 Coverage and Tracking

This presentation on opporunities to improve MCV2/MR2 coverage and how the health sector is building on and encouraging use of existing routine immunization tools and approaches was given at the MRI Routine Immunization Working Group Meeting in February 2018

Importance and Usage of Health Card

This poster was used in Nepal at health facilities and vaccination sessions to demonstrate the importance of using child health cards, also known as home-based records.

Child Health Worker Job Aid for Zimbabwe

Community Health Workers play an important role in ensuring that children receive timely vaccination. This job aid from Zimbabwe provides health workers with guidance on the proper use of the child health card or home-based records.

Connecting Young Men to Reproductive and Sexual Health Services: A Toolkit for Trusted Adults

This toolkit is for youth-serving professionals that interact with young men aged 15-24. These professionals could include teachers, school counselors, boys and girls club counselors, probation officers, child welfare administrators, social workers, or substance abuse counselors. The focus of the toolkit is on how to deliver key messages to young men about reproductive health and…

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