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Found 1913 results

Use of Cellular Phone Contacts to Increase Return Rates for Immunization Services in Kenya

In Kenya, failure to complete immunization schedules by children who previously accessed immunization services is an obstacle to ensuring that children are fully immunized. Home visit approaches used to track defaulting children have not been successful in reducing the drop-out rate. This study tested the use of phone contacts as an approach for tracking immunization…

Beyond the Crisis: Did the Ebola Epidemic Improve Resilience of Liberia’s Health System?

Resilience was widely identified as a critical attribute for strong health systems following the 2014–15 West Africa Ebola epidemic. In Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea, struggles to control the disease and suspension of the operation of many health services demonstrated that health systems must plan for resilience long before a crisis. However, the operational elements…

SPRING/Bangladesh Final Country Report

SPRING/Bangladesh implemented an innovative, scalable, and sustainable community-based, multi-channel, integrated nutrition program between April 2012 and June 2017. During this five-year period, the project reached more than 125,000 pregnant and lactating women and their children through its farmer nutrition schools (FNS) approach, and nearly 6,500 FNS were established over this period. Further, SPRING trained and…

SPRING/Uganda: Mapping of Maize Millers: A Road Map to Scaling Up Maize Flour Fortification

The Government of Uganda has made considerable progress in advancing the food fortification agenda and developing food quality control systems. SPRING's goal was to establish baseline information on maize flour processing and the status of maize flour fortification in the different regions of Uganda. Mapping the maize millers was a nationwide exercise. The survey took…

Kyrgyz Republic Mother Support Groups: Three-Day Training of Facilitators – Trainers Facilitator Guide

The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) in the Kyrgyz Republic engages hospitals to ensure an environment that supports women to initiate breastfeeding in a timely manner and promotes exclusive breastfeeding up to six months. Hospitals undergo a process of planning, training, and policy changes that lead to achieving 11 key criteria. When they meet the…

Commitments Fulfilled: JSI Results for Every Woman Every Child (2015)

JSI joined many other nongovernmental organizations and companies in pledging to support The World Health Organization’s Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (PMNCH) and the “Every Woman Every Child” campaign from 2011 – 2014, with support from multilateral organizations, the U.S. government, other bilateral development assistance agencies, and private foundations. This booklet highlights JSI's…

Introducing HPV Vaccine in Madagascar: Engaging Stakeholders

In November 2013, with assistance from Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, and partners, the Government of Madagascar (GoM) began vaccinating adolescent girls with the life-saving Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine. HPV vaccine protects women from the most dangerous strains of HPV that lead to approximately 70% of cases of cervical cancer in women worldwide. In an…

Supply Chain Network and Cost Analysis of Health Products in Madagascar: Results

This report presents the design of a pilot for integrating warehousing and distribution for all public health commodities, from the central level (SALAMA warehouse) down to the community health facilities by analyzing networks and integrating logistics systems workshop. JSI/USAID DELIVERY PROJECT, 2015.

Lessons Learned: HPV Vaccine Introduction in Madagascar

In 2013 Madagascar began its pilot introduction of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine, using an introduction grant and vaccines supplied by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (Gavi). The pilot was carried out in two districts—Toamasina I (urban) and Soaviandriana (rural)—over a two-year period. Throughout the first phase of the introduction, the implementing agencies, led by…

Lessons Learned: HPV Introduction in Niger

With assistance from Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (Gavi) the Government of Niger conducted a pilot introduction of the HPV vaccine, beginning in 2013. The objective of the was to demonstrate in at least two districts (one rural and one urban) the capacity to vaccinate at least 50% of young girls aged 9-13 with all three…

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