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Found 1913 results

Haiti: SPRING Final Country Report, 2012-2015

SPRING launched activities in Haiti in April 2012, collaborating with the Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population (MSPP). Children under five years of age, pregnant and lactating women, and people living with HIV were the direct beneficiaries of our three-year program. In Haiti, the SPRING project pursued one objective: to strengthen the…

Improving the Diet and Eating Practices of Adolescent Girls: An Overlooked Window of Opportunity

This presentation looks at the nutrition issues faced by adolescent girls. It highlights the research and growing interest in adolescent girls’ nutritional status and practices. This presentation served as an introductory overview to the issues, the first of four presentations in the webinar, Improving the Diet and Eating Practices of Adolescent Girls, An Overlooked Window…

The Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index Results from SPRING/Bangladesh’s Farmer Nutrition Schools: A Quantitative Study

In Bangladesh, The SPRING project has been using a multichannel integrated approach to tackling malnutrition along the nation’s coastal belt using both nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions. This publication presents the findings from a study that explored the research question: Are SPRING Farmer Nutrition School (FNS) participants more empowered than those women and families who have…

Early Infant Male Circumcision Services for HIV Prevention: A Gateway for Fathers to Receive HIV Testing in Iringa Region, Tanzania

Early infant male circumcision provides an opportunity to bring fathers—who culturally are involved in the decision around the circumcision of their sons—into health services and offer them the benefit of HIV testing. This presentation gives an overview of the implementation and effects of using this strategy in Tanzania. JSI/AIDSFree Project. 2017.

Engaging Key Populations Through Peer Navigation: An Effective Strategy for Contributing to the 90-90-90 Fast-Track Targets

Ghana faces numerous hurdles in providing tailored HIV services to key populations (KPs) since there are different segments of KPs. This presentation highlights the integrated and innovative approaches that are being used to reach the different typologies of KPs. JSI/ Ghana Care Continuum Project, 2017.

Let’s Talk! Capacitating Multi-Sectoral AIDS Committees to Give Voice to Most Vulnerable Children and People Living with HIV in Tanzania

This presentation highlights the work that JSI's USAID-funded Community Health and Social Welfare System Strengthening Program (CHSSP) is doing, in collaboration with the government of Tanzania, to revitalize multi-sectoral AIDS committees that are tasked with facilitating coordination and community participation in the HIV and AIDS response. JSI/CHSSP, 2017.  

Pediatric HIV Champions in Action: A Community-Based Approach to Improve Pediatric Referrals and Care in an Urban Informal Settlement

This presentation highlights the AIDSFree Project's efforts to expand pediatric HIV services in Nairobi, Kenya through a community-based approach. JSI/AIDSFree, 2017.

Treat All Policy in Ghana: Laboratory Costs Dynamics on Key Populations

This presentation looks at the ‘Treat All’ policy in Ghana which was adopted to ensure that every person testing HIV positive will be immediately initiated onto ART regardless of their CD4 count. It highlights the issues faced and lessons learned and outlines the next steps in implementing the policy. JSI/The Care Continuum, 2017.

Generating Data to Strengthen the Health System – Sindh Health Facility Assessment

Health facility assessments are increasingly used to measure functionality and readiness. In Sindh, the health system faces multiple challenges, including aging infrastructure, deficient human resources, and insufficient quantities of essential medicines, supplies, and equipment. While the Government of Sindh is committed to implementing a reforms agenda through the Sindh Health Sector Strategy 2012–2020, comprehensive facility-level…

Strong Management, Stronger Health System Strengthening – the Management and Coordination Continuum

In 2010 Pakistan decentralized the health system, passing many management functions to the provincial level. Decentralization is widely accepted as a step toward a more efficient and responsive health system. In Pakistan however, supervision, coordination, and communication mechanisms at both the provincial and district levels must be established to ensure stakeholder engagement and inter-sectoral collaboration….

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