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RISE Bulletin November 2022

Rapid Immunization Skill Enhancement (RISE) is a complementary capacity-building package to strengthen the ongoing training of frontline health workers engaged in routine immunization under Universal Immunization Program of Government of India. RISE issues a fortnightly bulletin with updates on the project. This is the issue from November 2022. 

Understanding the Behavioural and Social Drivers for Under-vaccination of Children in Nepal

The Kathmandu University Behavioral Science Center, JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI), and UNICEF Nepal conducted a rapid assessment to identify the behavioral and social factors associated with routine immunization uptake among caregivers and community members in three provinces of Nepal. The rapid assessment was designed for the BSC to conduct formative research that…

Development and expert validation of a ‘Data-to-Action Continuum’ to measure and advance the data-use capabilities of national tuberculosis programs

Background The Data-to-Action Continuum (D2AC) Toolkit is intended to advance the data use capabilities associated with people, processes, technology, and institutions of national tuberculosis programs (NTPs). This paper describes the development process of the D2AC Toolkit, whose aim is to enable NTPs and stakeholders—especially the policymakers, program managers, and laboratory and facility managers—to precisely gauge…

Implementation of the revised and updated TB Contact Investigation strategy in the Kyrgyz Republic

This poster was developed to display JSI’s work improving the tuberculosis (TB) contact investigation (CI) process in Kyrgyzstan through USAID’s Cure TB project. The poster provides a brief overview of the CI revisions, why they were needed, and how they resulted in improved adherence to TB treatment. It is useful information for any organization or…

Strengthening Institutional Capacity for Improved TB Diagnostics Laboratory Services in the Kyrgyz Republic

This poster was created to showcase JSI’s work through USAID’s Cure Tuberculosis (TB) project in the Kyrgyz Republic. It specifically features the situational analysis of the laboratory processes and services for TB in the country, in order to provide recommendations for improvement. It is useful information for any organization or government looking to analyze current…

Designing approaches of community engagement strategies to link communities with the primary health care system in Ethiopia

This is a poster developed by members of the L10K project in Ethiopia to explain a pilot strategy for improving community engagement in the primary health care system. The featured strategy aimed to increase community engagement with the primary health care system through local and district-level advocacy, evidence synthesis, human-centered design, policy, and an iterative…

Provider attitudes toward ambulatory treatment and incentive payments: facilitating the transition to patient-centered care in Kyrgyzstan

This poster was developed to showcase an assessment of provider attitudes toward ambulatory tuberculosis (TB) treatment in the Kyrgyz Republic. Through the Cure TB project, JSI conducted multiple in-depth interviews in facilities across the country. The results revealed that PHC providers' attitudes towards ambulatory TB treatment were more positive than TB facility providers' attitudes. Furthermore,…

Performance of District and Facility Level Health Information System in a Post-Conflict Environment_The Case of Southern Yemen

This report was developed to assess performance and create a baseline for routine health information systems at all levels in multiple districts in Yemen, in order to inform future improvement plans. This detailed analysis identifies specific barriers and highlights opportunities that can be used in a future comprehensive strategic plan to strengthen the health information system in…

What do Family Planning Staff Prioritize for Patient Experience Improvements? Findings From a Training Initiative in New York State

It is especially important for providers of sexual and reproductive healthcare services to deliver positive patient experiences, given the personal, preference-driven, and sensitive nature of these services. We facilitated a patient experience training initiative with 8 teams representing family planning agencies in New York State. Teams participated in onsite assessment activities, 4 individualized coaching calls,…

What we can learn from other health areas to improve vaccine forecasts for zero-dose children

Demand forecasting is the process of estimating the needed quantities of products based on a number of inputs, including demand for the product, supplier information, and other external factors such as weather patterns or other disruptive events, in order to predict the future product need. There is no single approach to forecasting for health products;…

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