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This presentation was made at the IUNS 21st International Congress of Nutrition and highlights the lessons learned from nutrition programs implemented by the USAID-funded SPRING Project. The presentation highlights the results frameworks from Feed the Future and the SPRING Project, as well as SPRING's implementation model. The presentation was made at the JSI-sponsored satellite symposium…
Dr. Jennifer Nielsen, senior nutrition advisor for Helen Keller International, presented on “Why WASH is crucial to nutrition programs” on October 15th, 2017 at the JSI-sponsored satellite symposium entitled “Better Together: Lessons Learned from Multi-Sectoral Implementation of Nutrition Programs,” which was held at the IUNS 21st International Congress of Nutrition in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
In Zambia, the AIDSFree-supported launch of the electronic Logistics Management Information System has streamlined commodities management; enabled better, faster, and more accurate reporting of supply chain data; and reduced stockouts of health commodities at facilities. JSI/AIDSFree Project, 2017.
This document provides an introduction and overview to the Ethiopia Data Use Partnership (DUP), which works to provide effective technical and financial support while galvanizing additional commitments to strengthen the national health information system.
Seven countries account for 64% of new tuberculosis (TB) cases with India leading the way. In addition, each year there are a “missing million TB patients” in India who either remain undetected or are misdiagnosed. JSI India contributes to the national TB response as a partner on several tuberculosis strengthening projects. This brief provides a…
This brochure highlights JSI's work in nutrition, which spans the human lifecycle. JSI works across the continuum of care and through multi-sector engagement to improve nutrition outcomes around the world. This brochure highlights JSI's work in capacity building, community engagement, implementation and integration, and also provides project highlights. JSI, 2017.
Immunization has the power to save millions of lives, but complete immunization coverage can only be achieved by strengthening the systems that deliver life-saving vaccines. This brochure highlights JSI's work in immunizations and new vaccine introduction. JSI, 2017.
Although Ghana has experienced significant declines in maternal mortality and under-five mortality, the country must increase their rate of improvement to reach their SDG. To do so, Ghana has made efforts to strengthen human resources for health (HRH), an essential approach to lowering mortality levels and attaining established health related goals. Ghana has implemented various…
Alcohol use and depression negatively impact adherence, retention in care, and HIV progression, and people living with HIV (PLWH) have disproportionally higher depression rates. In developing countries, more than 76% of people with mental health issues, receive no treatment. This team hypothesized that stepped-care mental health/HIV integration provided by multiple service professionals in Zimbabwe would…
Sierra Leone has one of the highest maternal mortality and neonatal mortality rates in the world with 1033 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, and 30 stillbirths and 49 neonatal deaths per 1000 births. A contributing factor is poor care at delivery, with less than half of deliveries attended by a skilled birth attendant and…