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Found 1913 results

SPRING: Enplane Survey Results of Nutrition Assessment, Counseling, and Support (NACS) Services in Health Facilities Supported by SPRING/Uganda

In Uganda, the SPRING project's primary goal was to contribute to the reduction of stunting and anemia in children and women of childbearing age. The project provided technical assistance and leadership at the national level to implement activities and policies related to large-scale food fortification—via industrial fortification and micronutrient powders—to address stunting and micronutrient deficiencies,…

SPRING: 10 Keys to Developing a Culture of Better Information Use

This poster looks at the importance of information and how it’s used for accountability and reporting, for program improvement, and contributing to the global evidence base. The poster also highlights the SPRING project’s monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning (MERL) function, as well as 10 keys to developing a culture of better information use. JSI/Strengthening Partnerships,…

Understanding and Managing Supply Chain Risks: Activity Session Notes

These notes should be used together with the PowerPoint presentation titled Workshop: Developing a Risk Management Plan that is part of the Risk Management Toolkit. These notes and the PPT slides will help facilitators lead the development of a risk management plan for a public health supply chain. Facilitators will define and offer an overview…

SPRING: Opportunities for Integrating Nutrition into Agricultural Information Systems in Northern Ghana

An increasing number of agricultural projects and activities are working to meet nutrition-related objectives. Through an in-country review of key actors, mechanisms, and content areas, along with a review of relevant literature, SPRING documented information systems used in Northern Ghana to adopt and scale up new agricultural technologies and production practices. This paper provides an…

Beyond new vaccine introduction: The uptake of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in the African Region

The number of vaccines available to low-income countries has increased dramatically over the last decade. Overall infant immunization coverage in the WHO African region has stagnated in the past few years while countries' ability to maintain high immunization coverage rates following introduction of new vaccines has been uneven. This case study examines post-introduction coverage among…

Immunization review meetings: “Low Hanging Fruit” for capacity building and data quality improvement?

Although systematic program review meetings are common practice in many health and immunization programs, there is little documentation on their implementation and role. Adult education principles espouse opportunities for peer exchange to build capacity and cross-learning, for which review meetings have been a forum utilized in immunization programs for many years. This study describes the…

The Health of the Transgender Community: Out, Proud, and Coming Into Their Own

With the public more aware than ever of the transgender population, now is a time for public health and health care professionals to understand and address their issues. While training programs on transgender health are necessary to improve medical care and health outcomes, other issues affecting the transgender population must be addressed as well. Violence…

Non-communicable Diseases and HIV Care and Treatment: Models of Integrated Service Delivery

Non-communicable diseases (NCD) are a growing cause of morbidity in low-income countries including people living with human immunodeficient virus (HIV). Integration of NCD and HIV services can build upon experience with chronic care models from HIV programs. A literature review was conducted and three models of models of NCD and HIV service delivery integration were…

Recommendations for Multi-sector Nutrition Planning: Cross-context Lessons from Nepal and Uganda

SPRING Pathways to Better Nutrition (PBN) case studies documented successes and challenges in implementing national multi-sector nutrition action plans (NNAPs) in Nepal and Uganda. Common drivers of change across both countries included strong multi-sector coordination of nutrition activities that involved national nutrition secretariats and strong advocacy partnerships and communication. Barriers to change included vertical coordination,…

Using Data to Manage Population Health Under Risk-Based Contracts

With value-based care, providers are increasingly being asked to take on more accountability, and in some cases financial risk, for cost and quality outcomes for a defined population. By reviewing this document, health centers can assess whether they are investing sufficiently in the clinical and administrative infrastructure and analytics to succeed under risk-based payment.

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