Found 1913 results
Information on the services that community health workers (CHW) provide is necessary to advocate for change in training, management, and supervision systems related to the delivery of nutrition services by CHWs, but the diversity and magnitude of community health programs in a country can make it hard to find. In collaboration with the USAID-funded Advancing…
The Vermont Tobacco Control Program’s (VTCP) strategic evaluation and performance measurement plan (SEP) serves as the evaluation and monitoring portfolio for the five-year project period, 2015-2020, laying out the rationale, general content, scope, and sequence of the evaluations the Program plans to conduct. The VTCP’s evaluation activities will assess overall progress and impact of the…
The Vermont Tobacco Control State Plan (state plan) defines goals, objectives, and priority strategies and activities to guide the state’s tobacco prevention and control work during 2015–2020. This plan builds on the Vermont Tobacco Evaluation and Review Board’s previous comprehensive work plan for 2014–2017. The plan is intended to provide strategic direction to public and…
Managing beneficiary registration and verification as well as tracking cash and mobile money distributions requires a complex set of workflows. This presentation is useful for health practitioners who aim to utilize existing tools and resources to develop an integrated operational/logistical and management information system. Leona Rosenblum, JSI. 2016.
Communicating the most accurate information is key to the health and nutrition of mothers, expectant mothers, and young infants. This brochure, developed for use in Ghana, can be useful for healthcare practitioners advising mothers on the best practices for breastfeeding and managing the dietary and nutritional needs of themselves and their infants. JSI, 2016.
Several factors affect a school-based health center’s ability to sustain itself and provide effective care. In today’s changing health care environment, school-based health centers must demonstrate their value to private funders, health care payers, and the communities they serve. JSI has the expertise and experience working with school-based health centers to guide them through state…
Tobacco use is a leading cause of death in Vermont — one of three risk factors that contribute to the most prevalent chronic diseases in the state, resulting in significant morbidity, mortality, and health care costs. In addition to the direct and indirect costs of smoking to individuals, tobacco use exacts cost on the health…
In 2014, residents of Berkeley, California launched an effort to institute the nation’s first tax on sugary drinks. We examined the social media activism surrounding the successful ‘Berkeley vs. Big Soda’ campaign on Twitter and Facebook. JSI and Berkeley Media Studies Group (BMSG) conducted an analysis of social media content of 1,731 tweets and 250…
Two groups disproportionately affected by poverty and food insecurity are individuals that are homeless and low-income seniors. JSI was hired by The Health Trust to conduct an assessment of healthy food access among low-income seniors and homeless individuals in San Jose, California. This report, Food for Everyone, is the product of extensive data collection from a variety…
The one-page briefer on nutrition spotlights JSI's work supporting effective, low-cost interventions to improve nutrition in homes, communities, and health facilities. JSI has implemented numerous innovative, action-oriented nutrition programs that are designed for local contexts. This briefer highlights a few of these programs while providing an overview of JSI's general support of nutrition. JSI, 2017.