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Found 1913 results

Diagnose your Public Health Supply Chain with Compass

Supply Chain Compass provides a quick, high-level diagnosis of how mature a public health supply chain is across key managerial and functional areas. This poster provides a quick introduction to the benefits of its use. JSI / USAID | DELIVER PROJECT, 2015.

Transportation: The Key to Effective Last-Mile Distribution in Zambia   

Delivering health commodities to the last mile involves many processes and several modes of transportation. In Zambia, the last mile often involves going off road or through swampy or sandy terrain that is difficult for larger delivery trucks to maneuver. This brief discusses the challenges faced—and the solutions needed—in delivering health commodities nationwide in Zambia….

Using Supply Chain Costing for Decisionmaking in Guatemala

This poster provides the background, methods used, and conclusions/next steps from a supply chain costing study in Guatemala. JSI / USAID | DELIVER PROJECT, 2015.

The Ethiopian Health Extension Program and Variation in Health Systems Performance: What Matters?

Primary health care services are fundamental to improving health and health equity, particularly in the context of low and middle-income settings where resources are scarce. During the past decade, Ethiopia undertook an ambitious investment in primary health care known as the Ethiopian Health Extension Program that recorded impressive gains in several health outcomes. Despite this…

Best Practices of the Liberian Agricultural Upgrading, Nutrition & Child Health (LAUNCH) Project presentation

The USAID Food for Peace Liberian Agricultural Upgrading, Nutrition & Child Health (LAUNCH) project (2010-2016) is managed by ACDI/VOCA with Project Concern International (PCI), John Snow Incorporated (JSI) and Making Cents International (MCI) as the other implementing partners. As the project draws upon its final year, this presentation showcases the best practices of the project…

Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Vulnerable Populations Globally

View a variety of resources related to JSI's work to expand and improve mental health services for vulnerable populations in the U.S. and internationally. JSI/20216

The First Social ACO: Lessons from Commonwealth Care Alliance

JSI has released a white paper offering an in-depth study of Commonwealth Care Alliance (CCA), a forerunner in developing a social ACO serving dual eligible Medicare and Medicaid population, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Given the strong interest in managing care for high-risk patients, the CCA can serve as a successful social ACO…

Value of Experiential STD Clinical Training in the Digital Age

This publication looks at the importance of translating evidence-based guidelines for sexually transmitted disease (STD) care into clinical practice for the prevention and control of STDs. Conclusions will show that STD experiential clinical training program is still relevant to participants in the digital age and is valued more highly than other continuing education experiences. Download…

Promoting Healthy Behaviors among Egyptian Mothers: A Quasi-Experimental Study of a Health Communication Package Delivered by Community Organizations

Decisions made at the household level, for example, to seek antenatal care or breastfeed, can have a direct impact on the health of mothers and newborns. The SMART Community-based Initiatives program in Egypt worked with community development associations to encourage better household decision-making by training community health workers to disseminate information and encourage healthy practices…

Mapping the Prevalence and Sociodemographic Characteristics of Women Who Deliver Alone: Evidence From Demographic and Health Surveys From 80 Countries

An estimated 2 million women surveyed in low- and middle-income countries between 2005 and 2015 gave birth alone. This practice was concentrated in West and Central Africa and parts of East Africa. Women who delivered with no one present were very poor, uneducated, older, and of higher parity. Experience from northern Nigeria suggests the practice…

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