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Found 1913 results

Essential Nutrition Actions and Essential Hygiene Actions: Training Guide – Health Workers and Nutrition Managers

The Essential Nutrition Actions and Essential Hygiene Actions Training Guide: Health Workers and Nutrition Managers introduces health professionals to the most up-to-date hygiene and nutrition information, and how to deliver nutrition through health visits. This training guide applies a participatory approach, reflecting the considerable evidence that adults learn best by practicing and reflecting on their…

Essential Nutrition Actions and Essential Hygiene Actions: Training Guide – Community Workers

The Essential Nutrition Actions and Essential Hygiene Actions Training Guide: Community Workers strengthens the capacity of community workers to deliver and promote the essential nutrition and hygiene actions. It introduces technical content within hands-on sessions to practice counseling and negotiation, using role plays and field practice. It guides community workers in understanding why and how…

Essential Nutrition Actions and Essential Hygiene Actions: Reference Manual: Health Workers and Nutrition Managers

The Essential Nutrition Actions and Essential Hygiene Actions Reference Manual: Health Workers and Nutrition Managers accompanies The Essential Nutrition Actions and Essential Hygiene Actions Training Guide: Health Workers and Nutrition Managers manual. This reference contains information such as UNICEF’s conceptual framework, contact points at which to deliver essential nutrition actions and essential hygiene actions, technical…

Essential Nutrition Actions and Essential Hygiene Actions for Health Workers: Reference Materials on Key Practices: Community Workers

The Essential Nutrition Actions and Essential Hygiene Actions Reference Materials on Key Practices: Community Workers accompanies the Community Worker training as a job aid, covering key concepts for each of the nutrition and hygiene practices as well as some ideas on how Homestead Food production (HFP) can be developed to improve household dietary quality and…

Reducing Malaria Prevalence in Sokoto State

The Targeted States High Impact Project (TSHIP) has contributed to a decrease in malaria-related deaths in Nigeria's Sokoto State by increasing access to prevention, testing, and treatment commodities and services. JSI/TSHIP 2015

The 100 Women Movement: A platform for increased women’s empowerment, stronger voice in governance, and accelerated access to health services

TSHIP invested financial and technical resources in a successful multisectoral women’s empowerment platform known as the 100 Women Group (100WG). The 100WG is an organized network of women that has representation in each of the 244 wards throughout Sokoto State. 1,300 women serve as executive officers of these groups. JSI/TSHIP, 2015

Timor-Leste Health Improvement Project (HIP): Increasing Quality of, Access to and Use of Family Planning Services through Engagement Across the Health System and in the Community

This technical brief details the approaches used by the USAID | Health Improvement Project to increase the quality of, access to, and use of family planning services in Timor-Leste. At 5.7 births per woman, Timor-Leste has one of the highest fertility rates in the world. At 557 deaths per 100,000 live births, Timor-Leste also has…

It Takes a Community: Rutland’s Multi-Faceted, Multi-Sector Approach to Addressing Asthma

Vermont has one of the highest rates of asthma in the nation. The Rutland region, a rural part of the state that is home to about 60,000 of Vermont’s 626,000 residents, is particularly impacted by asthma. Compared to the state, rates of asthma in Rutland are similar, however, asthma-related emergency department use is 30% higher…

Next-Generation Immunization Supply Chains are Needed to Improve Health Outcomes – Key Messages for Policy- and Decision-Makers

Next-generation immunization supply chains are needed to improve health outcomes. JSI partnered with PATH, Gavi, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and VillageReach to refine and promote five key messages to promote innovation and investment in vaccine supply chains. 2015.

Improving Maternal Death Reporting in Nigeria

At least two-thirds of maternal deaths in Nigeria occur outside a health facility. Because most women in Bauchi and Sokoto states deliver at home, many maternal deaths are not reported. With the support of the JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. the Nigeria Targeted States High Impact Project (TSHIP) helped Bauchi and Sokoto states design…

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