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Found 1911 results

AIDSFree Technical Assistance to Mozambique for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Social and Behavioral Change Communication Materials Development: Appendices to Final Report

  This annex accompanies the AIDSFree Final Report of the rapid desk review conducted for formative research on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in Mozambique.

Poster: PrEP Your Client for Protection in Five Easy Steps

  This USAID DISCOVER-Health Project produced PrEP poster for demand creation and can serve as a job aide.

Fact Sheet: Be Ready with PrEP

  This USAID DISCOVER-Health Project produced PrEP fact sheet for demand creation.

FAQ: Be Ready with PrEP

  This USAID DISCOVER-Health Project produced PrEP FAQ for demand creation and as a job aide.

Poster: PrEP for Protection

  This USAID DISCOVER-Health Project produced PrEP poster for demand creation and can serve as a job aide.

Health Care Waste Management Auditing Tool

This AIDSFree produced excel-based tool will assist VMMC campaigns in efficiently evaluating the current health care waste management practices at campaign sites.

MEASURE RHIS Module 1: Health Systems and Health Information Systems

This Module 1 of the MEASURE training on routine health information systems introduces the concept of RHIS and basic practice. Participants will acquire basic knowledge of RHIS core competencies to conceptualize, design, develop, govern, and manage RHIS. They will use the information the RHIS generates to improve public health practices and service delivery. Module 1 also maps…

Building a Web-Based Decision Support System

As countries strengthen their data infrastructures, global health professionals increasingly need data from multiple sources for monitoring programs and for preventing and controlling the spread of epidemics. These data sources are routine health information systems (health facility and community-based information systems) and nonroutine sources (household and other population-based surveys, census, civil registration and vital statistics…

Guidelines for Data Management Standards in Routine Health Information Systems

The regular use of reliable information from a well-designed routine health information system (RHIS) is indispensable for ensuring and sustaining improvements in health system performance. Using reliable information from RHIS over time is an important aid to improving health outcomes, tackling disparities, enhancing efficiency, and fostering innovation. In the work of the Commission on Information…

Use of Community Health Data for Shared Accountability

The dissemination and use of data generated by a routine health information system (RHIS) have traditionally been limited to the health system. The community is not typically viewed as part of the health system and is not seen as a consumer or user of health data. As a result, the community is disengaged and does…

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