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Access AIDSFree Resources

From 2014 to 2020, the Strengthening High Impact Interventions for an AIDS-free Generation (AIDSFree) Project successfully expanded HIV education, prevention, and treatment in 19 countries throughout Africa, including the Middle East/North Africa region, while also improving systems to support long-term, sustainable containment of the epidemic.  AIDSFree strengthened implementation and filled gaps in service delivery in…

Evaluation of factors affecting the behavior of target groups in health care-seeking and tuberculosis treatment: Social and Behavior Change Formative Research Final Report

The five-year (2019–2024) USAID Cure Tuberculosis Project is assisting the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic to diagnose, treat, and cure people with drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB). Kyrgyzstan has one of the highest rates of DR-TB in the world, and the Project focuses on reaching those most vulnerable to TB. Based on a situation analysis of risk…

Vendor Managed Inventory: Is It Right for Your Supply Chain?

As governments and implementation partners help support health delivery and health systems in developing countries, they are beginning to appreciate the importance of supply chain management and supply chain capability. However, before they attempt to build a supply chain, planners must know what supply system designs and frameworks are available. One supply chain model that…

Options Guide: Performance-Based Incentives to Strengthen Public Health Supply Chains – Version 1

Building upon the successful model developed in 2007 for the East and Southern Africa Regional Workshop on Performance-Based Financing (PBF) (held in Kigali, Rwanda, May 2–4), which was further refined for the first-ever Asia Regional Workshop on Payment for Performance in 2009 (held in Cebu, Philippines, January 19–23), this guide offers a framework for thinking…

Turning the Digital Corner: Essential Questions for Planning for a Computerized Logistics Management Information System

As countries continue to expand health programs and strengthen the supply chains that support them, there is an increased need for user-friendly tools and software packages to support the logistics information management to organize and analyze timely, accurate data that can be used for decision making, as well as for advocacy and resource mobilization. This…

Inventory of Performance-Based Incentive Schemes

Performance-based incentives (PBI), by linking performance to rewards, offer opportunities to strengthen supply chains. PBI are increasingly used to improve service delivery in healthcare, and they are also used in supply chain management in the commercial sector. However, to date, there have only been very limited applications in public sector supply chains either for supply…

Improving Health Supply Chains in Zambia: How Zambia Successfully Developed the eLMIS to Improve Health Outcomes

Zambia's electronic logistics management information system (eLMIS) is a nationwide health supply chain management system. It serves different health programs and incorporates all levels of the public health sector supply chain, from the Logistics Management Unit at Medical Stores Limited (MSL), Zambia's central medical warehouse, to each of the country's more than 2,000 pharmacy stores…

Rwanda: Harmonized LMIS System Design Review and SOP/Curriculum Development, Technical Report

This paper talks about a design that was developed by the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT and SCMS, in partnership with the Ministry of Health, for a harmonized system that standardized health product management and focused on the inventory control system and the logistics management information system. After the system design elements were determined and finalized,…

Technical Update: Performance-Based Financing: Examples from Public Health Supply Chains in Developing Countries

Performance-based financing (PBF) can be defined as cash or non-monetary benefit that is given for measurable actions or achievement of a defined performance target. In theory, PBF could help strengthen supply chains by linking performance to rewards. PBF is often used in commercial supply chains; it is increasingly being used to improve health care service delivery…

Commercial Sector Performance-based Financing Offers Lessons for Public Health Supply Chains in Developing Countries

Performance-based financing (PBF) can be defined as the awarding of cash or non-monetary benefits for achieving measurable goals or for a defined performance objective. Developing countries are increasingly using PBF to improve public health services. By linking performance to rewards, PBF may also strengthen public health supply chains—despite the limited application for this purpose. Commercial…

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