Webinar: Scaling Index Testing and Partner Notification
April 1st, 2019 | news
On April 11, 2019, join JSI HIV experts for a live webinar discussion on scaling index testing and partner notification to help countries move toward HIV epidemic control.
9:00 – 10:00 AM EST | 13:00 – 14:00 GMT | 16:00 – 17:00 EAT
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Globally, only about 60 percent of people living with HIV know their status. Comprehensive HIV testing services are critical links to the HIV and AIDS treatment cascade and essential for testing all who are at risk, but some groups remain difficult to reach.
Among the most promising approaches for finding the people and populations we have been missing—while reducing overall testing volumes—are index testing and partner notification services. These targeted, high-yield HIV testing programs offer hope for reaching epidemic control, but must be rapidly and appropriately scaled-up as part of country-led programs.
During the webinar panelists will share lessons learned from delivering HIV services and building partner and government capacity to implement these strategies.
Expert panelists:
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